Brazilian nurse is successful in Florida.
Nurse from Cuiabana is a success withtravel and health tips.
Turn the tables, change course, make travel dreams come true. This was the decision of nurse Patrícia Zanin Ferrigno and her family, who love to travel the world. After several international experiences shared with relatives and friends, she be came a “consultant” for all “first-time sailors”.
In 2017, already living in Orlando, United States, where Disney is located, he started to give travel tips through social networks.
In simple, colloquial language, Patrícia is authorial in her way of talking to internet users about tourism. Without frills, she explains the most diverse situations that travelers can experience, from visiting beautiful places and other picturesque ones. She gives tips on the best places to shop, from parks, howto save on travel, to local customs, cuisine, and social behaviors.
It was precisely these facts that stimulated the creation of videos on YouTube, showing that those whoventure to make an international trip are motivated to look at the world in another way, whichs uggested the name of their social networks: Viajar Muda Tudo.
And it does change. The experience of an international trip marks the tourist’s life. Patrícia reports some unusual situations that her followers went through and that she can help, such as health problems of tourists, who without proper communication in English needed help. A very worrying situation was that of two Brazilian women, followers of her, who wanted to meet her. One of them had a pacemaker in herheart and ended up feeling sick, having to be taken to the hospital, under going emergency surgery, butthey didn’t speak English. With Patricia’s support everything was resolved.
He also says that because he is working in an Urgent Care (urgent care clinic) during the pandemic, hecan help many Brazilians in trouble, for not speaking the language of the North Americans. And he alsohad the opportunity to meet many famous artists who were looking for the place.
These are some reasons for the trip to be well thought out. Unforeseen events happen! Patrícia explains that “it is not enough to decide your destination and pack your bags, when you travel with your family, especially abroad, there is little care and planning is essential”. Each nation has its health care rules,especially in this post-pandemic period.
It is situations like these that gave Patricia and her family a lot of experience. Today she knows by heart what is best for tourists to experience their trip in a pleasant way. They are tips passed for free through their social networks. She also answers questions from internet users, fueling the dream of traveling, even having to face some perrengues.
Success came after making several international trips and helping people on the go. The YouTube channel now has over 100,000 subscribers. The videos make all the landscapes and tips given by the presenter/nurse more vivid. On Instagram the 46K says it all. “It is this result that encourages us, because in this way we see that the idea of helping goes beyond physical contact”. says Patricia enthusiastically.
And it is. Due to her experience as a nurse (graduated from the Federal University of Mato Grosso), Patrícia also decided to give health tips to travelers and Brazilians residing in other parts of the world.
And then yes, help to solve much more serious perrengues. For example: in most countries the healthsystem is through insurance, there is no SUS, as it is in Brazil, where people are helped free of charge,no matter where they come from. In the US, if you go to a hospital without being prepared, it will hurt alot in your pocket.
“I believe that Traveling Changes Everything, it changes the way we see the world, expands our horizons, encourages us to change, makes us want to improve, grow as human beings and as people whoare part of a society”, says the youtuber.
In short, as Patricia says in her videos on Travel and Health “Traveling is all good, but traveling healthy iseven better”. To be always up to date, follow the social networks of Viajar Muda Tudo.
Source: Digital Gazette
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